Day 39 | Choose to be awesome! The character Barney from the show How I Met Your Mother did a lot of things I would not emulate. However, his philosophy about choosing to be awesome is worth looking at. Sad? Choose to be awesome. Feel worthless? Feel awesome. Sick? Stop being sick and be awesome instead! Thought the last one is a bit extreme, the same way I can choose to be happy, I can choose to be awesome. Being awesome is not easy, but it is simple. Take chances on new experiences, engage in the world around you and remember what an amazing person you are and let your confidence shine. Make the choice to be awesome, because you already are. For those who have read my past couple of posts, it should be pretty obvious that this post is me trying to shake my head and refocus on good things.

Day 39 | Choose to be awesome! The character Barney from the show How I Met Your Mother did a lot of things I would not emulate. However, his philosophy about choosing to be awesome is worth looking at. Sad? Choose to be awesome….

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April 7 2023 | Instagram

Day 36 | Save the drama for your mama! It’s a dumb opening but I could not help myself. I define drama, for the sake of this post, as overly outward reactions or actions to external or internal situations and feelings that negatively impact…

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Day 23 | Loneliness is not always being alone. It’s easy to surround yourself with people to fill time and be a distraction but it is hard to find people you truly connect with that fulfills the human need to be a part of a tribe. I am very grateful for the few with whom I have a true connection, both past and present. Without these people, true loneliness set in and I have to rely on my own company, which has not always been the most positive. As part of my journey, I need to prioritize maintaining the connection I have, rebuilding some I have lost and being open to new people coming into my life. A picture of a time I did not feel alone.

Day 23 | Loneliness is not always being alone. It’s easy to surround yourself with people to fill time and be a distraction but it is hard to find people you truly connect with that fulfills the human need to be a part of a tribe. I am very grateful for the few with whom I have a true connection, both past and present. Without these people, true loneliness set in and I have to rely on my own company, which has not always been the most positive. As part of my journey, I need to prioritize maintaining the connection I have, rebuilding some I have lost and being open to new people coming into my life. A picture of a time I did not feel alone.

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Day 20 | The journey should never be over. This is me reflecting after I woke up. Potentially vulnerable having not brushed my hair, put on an out fit or shaved, just having my coffee. Yesterday was an interesting one. I am honestly feeling like a different person. I woke up with a smile on my face and I went to bed with an even bigger smile. The difference from 20 days ago is shocking. My challenge now is to not stop the journey. It feels like I could take my new found happiness and just ride it out until the end of time but deep down I know, if I did that, I would not maintain all the good I have accomplished. I need to keep making the choice to be happy, keep doing things that push my limits and keep exploring what it means to be alive. Easy would be to sit back and enjoy, but I need to keep pushing now harder than ever.

Day 20 | The journey should never be over. This is me reflecting after I woke up. Potentially vulnerable having not brushed my hair, put on an out fit or shaved, just having my coffee. Yesterday was an interesting one. I am honestly feeling like a different person. I woke up with a smile on my face and I went to bed with an even bigger smile. The difference from 20 days ago is shocking. My challenge now is to not stop the journey. It feels like I could take my new found happiness and just ride it out until the end of time but deep down I know, if I did that, I would not maintain all the good I have accomplished. I need to keep making the choice to be happy, keep doing things that push my limits and keep exploring what it means to be alive. Easy would be to sit back and enjoy, but I need to keep pushing now harder than ever.

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Day 17 | Make the right choice. Today was a hard day. I’m now at a place where I can admit that without it breaking or regressing my progress. The other major difference is that I can recognize when I’m having a hard day and make the choice to change the direction of my thoughts. It sounds easy to simply make a choice to be happy but it’s something I had to learn. I am infinitely grateful that I have found the inner strength to make the right choice. Now, on to happier thoughts and more adventures.

Day 17 | Make the right choice. Today was a hard day. I’m now at a place where I can admit that without it breaking or regressing my progress. The other major difference is that I can recognize when I’m having a hard day and make the choice to change the direction of my thoughts. It sounds easy to simply make a choice to be happy but it’s something I had to learn. I am infinitely grateful that I have found the inner strength to make the right choice. Now, on to happier thoughts and more adventures.

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Day 4 | I thought this would be an easy one but apparently not. The goal: to find old pictures that represent a times when I was really happy or proud of myself. The problem seems to be that I did not keep many pictures from the past. Regardless, here are a few moments from the past including; some from musicals I was in. A bit of photography from when I thought I was an artist. Pictures from the Philippines (aka the happiest place on earth). My lovely wife. Some random friends and travel. Enjoy. I know I did at the time.

Day 4 | I thought this would be an easy one but apparently not. The goal: to find old pictures that represent a times when I was really happy or proud of myself. The problem seems to be that I did not keep many pictures from the past. Regardless, here are a few moments from the past including; some from musicals I was in. A bit of photography from when I thought I was an artist. Pictures from the Philippines (aka the happiest place on earth). My lovely wife. Some random friends and travel. Enjoy. I know I did at the time.

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Day 3 | A bit of setback today. I knew not every day would be easy. Regardless… The hardest parts of this journey are pushing myself out of my comfort zone and ticking to a plan. Posting daily on social media is a great example of one thing, representing both challenges. However, this is extra hard when I feel set back and unsuccessful for the day. So… to shake things up and refocus, I’m doing something simple to accomplish and move forward. A nice long walk on a cool winter night.

Day 3 | A bit of setback today. I knew not every day would be easy. Regardless… The hardest parts of this journey are pushing myself out of my comfort zone and ticking to a plan. Posting daily on social media is a great example of one thing, representing both challenges. However, this is extra hard when I feel set back and unsuccessful for the day. So… to shake things up and refocus, I’m doing something simple to accomplish and move forward. A nice long walk on a cool winter night.

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