Day 35 | Grow up and let go. I have a memory from when I was 8 or 9. I remember feeling that I worked very hard to prepare a bunch of toys to sell in a garage sale my parents were having. At the end of the morning, the money was equally divided and to this day, I can recall the feeling that I deserved a larger share of the earnings for my contribution. Subsequently, I threw a pathetic temper tantrum which only stopped when I got what I wanted. Thinking back now, that memory is one of the most embarrassing moments I have but truthfully, sometimes I still feel and act like this when I don’t get what I want or feel I deserve. I have two takeaways from this memory I need to consider along my journey. 1) What I want is not always fair and I need to look for balance opposed to me demanding my way. I especially need to deal with these situations like an adult. 2) I need let some memories go. This story may seem silly, but to this day, when I think about it, I get embarrassed and feel a great deal of guilt. I need to let those feeling go and move on with life. I want to be different now so as long as I learn from it, I need to move on. Here are some embarrassing photos of me as a kid. I may look sweet but I had a bratty side for sure!

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Day 33 | Be respectfully selfish. When choosing to be happy and let the world take me in new and exciting directions, I have found a need to be more selfish when making decisions. Think about what will make me happy and what is important to me. Though I believe this to generally be a good thing, allowing me to live my best life by doing the things that are important to me, I have also learned that it is important to still be conscious of others in my selfishness. Being too selfish and only thinking of yourself, even with the best intentions, will push others away. Once again highlighted is the value of trying to find balance in life.

Day 33 | Be respectfully selfish. When choosing to be happy and let the world take me in new and exciting directions, I have found a need to be more selfish when making decisions. Think about what will make me happy and what is important to me. Though I believe this to generally be a good thing, allowing me to live my best life by doing the things that are important to me, I have also learned that it is important to still be conscious of others in my selfishness. Being too selfish and only thinking of yourself, even with the best intentions, will push others away. Once again highlighted is the value of trying to find balance in life.

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Day 22 | Don’t be bored actively. I mentioned this yesterday. I feel like boredom is the root of so much negativity. When I historically filled my free time with work, food, binge watching shows and countless hours of video games, I was allowing myself to be actively bored. Just filling time for the sake of killing time. Don’t get me wrong, nine of those activities are bad, and in fact, I think they can be very healthy but the problem is that I was doing them for the wrong reasons. I was using these as distractions. What I’ve realized is that you need to fill your time with things that make you happy, give you a sense of accomplishment or rewards you with a new experience. Don’t just fill your time to avoid being bored. Live. Explore. Learn. Tonight, I choose to live.

Day 22 | Don’t be bored actively. I mentioned this yesterday. I feel like boredom is the root of so much negativity. When I historically filled my free time with work, food, binge watching shows and countless hours of video games, I was allowing myself to be actively bored. Just filling time for the sake of killing time. Don’t get me wrong, nine of those activities are bad, and in fact, I think they can be very healthy but the problem is that I was doing them for the wrong reasons. I was using these as distractions. What I’ve realized is that you need to fill your time with things that make you happy, give you a sense of accomplishment or rewards you with a new experience. Don’t just fill your time to avoid being bored. Live. Explore. Learn. Tonight, I choose to live.

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Day 21 | Filling time with positivity and productivity. Came across this on my social media feed the other day and have been thinking about it a lot. I have always believed that having hobbies is a great way to keep focused, not get bored (which I believe is the root of much negativity) and find a sense of accomplishment in life. This list of 5 needed hobbies intrigues me. I don’t want to set myself up to fail by taking on too much but I feel this list can bring some great balance. So here is my list of hobbies. 1) I have a career that makes me money. 2) Between my diet, joining the gym and my love of long walks, I think I’m covered. 3) I’ve started writing again to push my creativity 4) I’m planning on doing some courses as part of my journey to build knowledge and 5) My daily activities and reflections are truly helping me evolve my mindset. Even though it was a random social media post, I feel like this post reinforces many of my plans.

Day 21 | Filling time with positivity and productivity. Came across this on my social media feed the other day and have been thinking about it a lot. I have always believed that having hobbies is a great way to keep focused, not get bored (which I believe is the root of much negativity) and find a sense of accomplishment in life. This list of 5 needed hobbies intrigues me. I don’t want to set myself up to fail by taking on too much but I feel this list can bring some great balance. So here is my list of hobbies. 1) I have a career that makes me money. 2) Between my diet, joining the gym and my love of long walks, I think I’m covered. 3) I’ve started writing again to push my creativity 4) I’m planning on doing some courses as part of my journey to build knowledge and 5) My daily activities and reflections are truly helping me evolve my mindset. Even though it was a random social media post, I feel like this post reinforces many of my plans.

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Day 15 | Say YES to life. On my journey, I have taken many steps so far and have many more planned. Tonight is a little experiment to see how far I’ve come. I write this before I venture out but I may post tomorrow depending on how things go. Here is my experiment: Tonight I say yes. Go with the flow. Don’t over think and have fun. Think about the movie “Yes Man”, but a little more responsible. St. Patty’s seems to be the perfect excuse for this little exercise. I say that now but may have a different opinion tomorrow. Hello green drinks. Hello good friends. Hello Port Elgin night life.

Day 15 | Say YES to life. On my journey, I have taken many steps so far and have many more planned. Tonight is a little experiment to see how far I’ve come. I write this before I venture out but I may post tomorrow depending on how things go. Here is my experiment: Tonight I say yes. Go with the flow. Don’t over think and have fun. Think about the movie “Yes Man”, but a little more responsible. St. Patty’s seems to be the perfect excuse for this little exercise. I say that now but may have a different opinion tomorrow. Hello green drinks. Hello good friends. Hello Port Elgin night life.

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