Day 35 | Grow up and let go. I have a memory from when I was 8 or 9. I remember feeling that I worked very hard to prepare a bunch of toys to sell in a garage sale my parents were having. At the end of the morning, the money was equally divided and to this day, I can recall the feeling that I deserved a larger share of the earnings for my contribution. Subsequently, I threw a pathetic temper tantrum which only stopped when I got what I wanted. Thinking back now, that memory is one of the most embarrassing moments I have but truthfully, sometimes I still feel and act like this when I don’t get what I want or feel I deserve. I have two takeaways from this memory I need to consider along my journey. 1) What I want is not always fair and I need to look for balance opposed to me demanding my way. I especially need to deal with these situations like an adult. 2) I need let some memories go. This story may seem silly, but to this day, when I think about it, I get embarrassed and feel a great deal of guilt. I need to let those feeling go and move on with life. I want to be different now so as long as I learn from it, I need to move on. Here are some embarrassing photos of me as a kid. I may look sweet but I had a bratty side for sure! April 6, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 24 | Know your worth. There seems to be an unexpected consequence when finding happiness, being more confidant in who you are and while learning to love yourself. Not sure I saw this one coming. On the journey to finding myself, I seem to have discovered a new found respect for myself and now have higher expectations from life. When you are lost and feel worthless it’s impossible to realize that you should not settle and should always aspire for more. I can now see that I deserve the things that make me happy and I have the confidence to go get them. No matter how hard it may be. Throwback picture from my sales days. March 26, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 23 | Loneliness is not always being alone. It’s easy to surround yourself with people to fill time and be a distraction but it is hard to find people you truly connect with that fulfills the human need to be a part of a tribe. I am very grateful for the few with whom I have a true connection, both past and present. Without these people, true loneliness set in and I have to rely on my own company, which has not always been the most positive. As part of my journey, I need to prioritize maintaining the connection I have, rebuilding some I have lost and being open to new people coming into my life. A picture of a time I did not feel alone. March 25, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 19 | Your Health Is Important. From mental health to physical health. Apparently a lot of health related things this week. I’m really happy with the progress of my diet, gym and mental health regiment. My only regret is that I let myself get to a place wheee I needed to work so hard to correct things so from now on I am going to take a more proactive approach to my health. I recently had 25 vials of blood take to run a long list of tests. I got the results today and had a doctor walk me through things. Overall, I thank keto for this, I’m a pretty healthy guy. There are some things to watch closely but nothing that can’t be prevented. I can’t believe I was nervous to get something like this done for so many years. Maybe I was afraid to find out something I did not want to know. Regardless, one more thing off my list that I don’t need to worry about and can proactively monitor to make sure my physical matches the positive mental state I’ve learned. March 21, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 17 | Make the right choice. Today was a hard day. I’m now at a place where I can admit that without it breaking or regressing my progress. The other major difference is that I can recognize when I’m having a hard day and make the choice to change the direction of my thoughts. It sounds easy to simply make a choice to be happy but it’s something I had to learn. I am infinitely grateful that I have found the inner strength to make the right choice. Now, on to happier thoughts and more adventures. March 19, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
• Day 13 – Lucky 13 deserves something special and something I have never done before. I’ve always considered getting a tattoo but have not taken the plunge because I could never decide what meant enough to me to permanently mark it on my body. If my journey has taught me anything, it has reinforced how short life really is and that choosing happiness is a choice I need to make. This in my new, and first, tattoo of the chemical dopamine with a semicolon. It’s now on my wrist to constantly remind me that that though I need to acknowledge sadness and hard times, I need to choose my own joy and seek it out. Thanks @greathuron March 15, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 9 – 11 | Don’t Panic! A late update because some people have asked. I took the weekend off to clear my head and get focused. It worked. It’s was hard and I was a bit in my head over the weekend but I had a wake up call that truly changed my perspective. I’m back in action and stronger than ever. We only have one life to live and it’s always going to be shorter than you expect. Say yes to the world because you never know what it will offer you. March 15, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 5 | Today’s little activity could be very easy or very hard. Only time will tell. It’s definitely one that I have not been looking forward to but I know it’s absolutely necessary. I’m not going to post the specifics because this one is very personal but I’ll keep the progress in my personal notes. For lack of another picture to include, here is a picture of a wintery beach at sunset on a beautiful but cold day. March 7, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 3 | A bit of setback today. I knew not every day would be easy. Regardless… The hardest parts of this journey are pushing myself out of my comfort zone and ticking to a plan. Posting daily on social media is a great example of one thing, representing both challenges. However, this is extra hard when I feel set back and unsuccessful for the day. So… to shake things up and refocus, I’m doing something simple to accomplish and move forward. A nice long walk on a cool winter night. March 6, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More