Day 25 | Accept and love you for you. What a rollercoaster of a day. It’s mid afternoon and I have felt guilt, I’ve laughed, cried, experienced anger, been jealous, thrived in being super productive and even enjoyed a moment of incredible pride. Not too long ago I would have felt shame and embarrassment for feeling many of these emotions, but not today. For once in my life, I’m accepted who I am. Not as weaknesses but as my strengths. I’m an emotional person who deeply feels. I’m also a wildly analytical and rational human who likes planning and understanding the meaning of everything. I can be serious. I can be goofy. I can be sad and cry but also I can be happy and the life of a party. Sometimes I like to dress up, sometimes I prefer track pants. I love expensive wine and shots of cheap vodka. I am many things, all of which make me, me. Trying to be something I was not only ever held me back. There is nothing wrong with me. All I want now is to continue to explore who I am and learn how to best take advantage of my eclectic nature. God this feels good to say, even better to feel. March 27, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 21 | Filling time with positivity and productivity. Came across this on my social media feed the other day and have been thinking about it a lot. I have always believed that having hobbies is a great way to keep focused, not get bored (which I believe is the root of much negativity) and find a sense of accomplishment in life. This list of 5 needed hobbies intrigues me. I don’t want to set myself up to fail by taking on too much but I feel this list can bring some great balance. So here is my list of hobbies. 1) I have a career that makes me money. 2) Between my diet, joining the gym and my love of long walks, I think I’m covered. 3) I’ve started writing again to push my creativity 4) I’m planning on doing some courses as part of my journey to build knowledge and 5) My daily activities and reflections are truly helping me evolve my mindset. Even though it was a random social media post, I feel like this post reinforces many of my plans. March 23, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 19 | Your Health Is Important. From mental health to physical health. Apparently a lot of health related things this week. I’m really happy with the progress of my diet, gym and mental health regiment. My only regret is that I let myself get to a place wheee I needed to work so hard to correct things so from now on I am going to take a more proactive approach to my health. I recently had 25 vials of blood take to run a long list of tests. I got the results today and had a doctor walk me through things. Overall, I thank keto for this, I’m a pretty healthy guy. There are some things to watch closely but nothing that can’t be prevented. I can’t believe I was nervous to get something like this done for so many years. Maybe I was afraid to find out something I did not want to know. Regardless, one more thing off my list that I don’t need to worry about and can proactively monitor to make sure my physical matches the positive mental state I’ve learned. March 21, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 15 | Say YES to life. On my journey, I have taken many steps so far and have many more planned. Tonight is a little experiment to see how far I’ve come. I write this before I venture out but I may post tomorrow depending on how things go. Here is my experiment: Tonight I say yes. Go with the flow. Don’t over think and have fun. Think about the movie “Yes Man”, but a little more responsible. St. Patty’s seems to be the perfect excuse for this little exercise. I say that now but may have a different opinion tomorrow. Hello green drinks. Hello good friends. Hello Port Elgin night life. March 18, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
Day 4 | I thought this would be an easy one but apparently not. The goal: to find old pictures that represent a times when I was really happy or proud of myself. The problem seems to be that I did not keep many pictures from the past. Regardless, here are a few moments from the past including; some from musicals I was in. A bit of photography from when I thought I was an artist. Pictures from the Philippines (aka the happiest place on earth). My lovely wife. Some random friends and travel. Enjoy. I know I did at the time. March 6, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
– [ ] Day 1 | Today marks the first day of a journey to self-discovery and happiness. Not that I’m not happy with many aspects of my life but I know there is more. I’m doing this for many reasons but mostly, it’s for myself. I have to find who I am. I plan to post as frequently as possible. Not for clout or attention but to hold myself accountable to making actual change every day, try new things and push myself out of my comfort zone. So here we go. With a new haircut and beard style, I begin. Thanks @mihermano_southampton March 3, 2023 | No Comments | Instagram Read More
4 years ago today. Who could have guessed that so much would happen between then and now. I don’t even remember the last time I saw this many people at once. Especially amazing people like this. April 25, 2022 | No Comments | Instagram Read More