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Day 49 | All the, small things. I was inspired today to try something new, however derivative of “The Book of Awesome” it may be. I’ve mentioned many times before that I need to work on my ability to enjoy moments for what they…
Day 48 | Boss Aaron. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the client side of the business. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working on the other side with all of the complexity, excitement and the variety that comes with supporting…
Day 47 | Saying NO to bad habits. This will not be a surprise to those who know me but one of my favourite things to do, when I have the opportunity, is go to the casino and play blackjack. Even more so, here…
Day 46 | A blast from the recent past. I left Manila just less that 11 months ago and have missed it ever since. It was very nice to be able to see some old friends with new and former collogues today. What a…
Day ?45? | After 24 hours or driving, airport lines, flights and layovers, I have arrived at my hotel in Manila where I seem to have lost a day as well. Time zones can be frustrating. I feel like I lost a day in…