2023-04-16T16:51:12.000Z | Facebook
Day ?45? | After 24 hours or driving, airport lines, flights and layovers, I have arrived at my hotel in Manila where I seem to have lost a day as well. Time zones can be frustrating. I feel like I lost a day in…
Day ?45? | After 24 hours or driving, airport lines, flights and layovers, I have arrived at my hotel in Manila where I seem to have lost a day as well. Time zones can be frustrating. I feel like I lost a day in…
Day 44 | On the road again. Its been a while and I feel like I’m going home in many ways. Today I start the journey to Manila and next week, India. Looking forward to a bit of a change of scenery but can’t…
Day 43 | Expect the unexpected from surprising places. I have met a lot of new people, rebuilt some old connections and continue to repair relationships that were damaged in my darker days. One thing that continues to surprise me is how supportive some…
Day 42 | Living in the moment. Something that has always been a challenge for me is staying in the moment and giving myself the chance to truly experience life. Whenever I’m in a situation where I have the chance to experience something, I…
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